Guest Lectures and Presentations

Guest Lectures and Presentations include: "Peasantry and Proletariat, Maoists and Trotskyists, and the Chinese Revolution”; “Teaching Techniques for the First Class: Establishing Dynamics and Facilitating Discussion”; "Engaging Chinese Scholarship Through Collaborative Translation"; "The Third (Communist) International and the Fourth (Trotskyist) International”; “The Soviet Union, the Chinese Communist Party, and the Kuomintang”; “Russian Revolutions.”

Soviet History Wikipedia Project

In the spring of 2021, students of History 350 (Soviet Union), selected Wikipedia stub pages from a list I provided, expanding the pages based on sources they had used in the course and additional sources specific to the topic. After reviewing their drafts and suggesting edits, I asked students to publish their edits. Since that time, many pages have had their ‘stub’ status removed and other contributors have added content.

Translations: Revisiting the Revolution

I worked with Professor Timothy Cheek and other colleagues to interrogate the intellectual world of scholarly and public debate about the history of China’s twentieth-century revolutions and what they mean for China today and tomorrow. The project involves co-production of knowledge in mapping an intellectual field, collaborative translation, co-authoring analyses and translations and preparing these annotated translations for publication.

Translations: Zheng Chaolin

With Professor Gregor Benton and other colleagues, I contributed to a collection of English translations of the writings of Chinese Trotskyist Zheng Chaolin (1901-1998), who spent the years between 1952-1979 in prison in the PRC. The collection, Zheng Chaolin, Selected Writings, 1942-1998, will be published by Brill as part of its Historical Materialism Series.